Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Windows 8 Apps - Introduction

Windows 8 has definitely made its presence known on the web, and on the ground today, with Microsoft's new release of Windows 8 Pro. If you chose to take the plunge and make the download upgrade, well you might be thinking to yourself will this really make any difference for me.

Luckily for Microsoft they have definitely done their homework as to the very fact that the online world has evolved completely, and mostly due to a thing known as cloud computing, social networking, and that of mobile technologies. With all that being stated, they have came up with the best solution to have it all in one place, and gave it a title in their new operating system "Tiles", which are actual Apps or known as computing applications (Computer programs that run as software, and cloudware or online as a web application)

Apps are something that began with mobile smart phones, and since the release of the first iPhone, and Google Android smart phone. Below is a video to help user learn all about how the Windows 8 Apps work.

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